Services aux employeurs
Atteindre un niveau supérieur

Vous avez déterminé que l'inclusion d'un engagement en faveur de la diversité est non seulement une chose positive à faire, mais permettra à votre entreprise d'embaucher des employés qualifiés que vous n'aviez pas envisagés auparavant.
Grâce à des entretiens détaillés visant à déterminer vos besoins, à un examen approfondi des capacités technologiques de votre entreprise et à la possibilité d'obtenir une aide financière, notre équipe de services aux employeurs peut vous aider à accéder à une réserve de candidats talentueux pour vous aider à développer votre entreprise.
Veuillez noter que le soutien financier par le biais de notre programme de subventions salariales est soumis à la disponibilité des fonds financiers et aux conditions d'admissibilité. Chaque demande est évaluée au cas par cas et est soumise à une approbation finale.
Pour plus d'informations sur la façon dont nous pouvons vous aider à créer une main-d'œuvre diversifiée et inclusive, veuillez contacter Holly Penner, Spécialiste des opportunités d'emploi, au 1-888-927-7473 poste 712 ou par courriel à
Joignez-vous à nous pour un déjeuner virtuel et apprenez :
(disponible uniquement en anglais)
SPECIAL INDUSTRY EVENT: Making use of New Trends in Digital Media—Employment Opportunities for Youth and Better Brand Recognition for Your Business
With our Special Guest Panelists: James Rice, Vice-President of IBT College, Kerry Reed, Owner of Bauhaus Digital Media, and Anne-Marie Edgar, CEO of Make A Change Canada
Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific (2:00 p.m. Eastern)
Are you a young adult wanting to make a solid entry into the workforce? Are you a business leader struggling to build an active social media following? Both nonprofit and small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) today are experiencing obstacles in building their brands they never could have imagined facing. Audiences are quiet and eerily disengaged. No matter what creative posts we come up with, all too often they fade into the distance leaving us feeling lost and a little anxious as a result. To the rescue are our incredibly talented new grads from throughout Canada who instinctively know what it takes to build a solid brand and attract a wider audience using innovative methods and tools they have already mastered. Join us in this special industry event where we will put James, Kerry, and Anne-Marie on the hot seat, ask the tough questions, and get to the heart of this issue. Be sure to stay to the end of this session to discover some potential new opportunities for gaining valuable work experience through Make A Change Canada, and a first-hand teaser on what may be coming up next with new training options.
FEATURED EMPLOYER PANEL: Workplace Trends for 2023 and Beyond
With Special Guest, Vincent Bucciachio, CEO/Founder of SociallyInfused Media, and JA Jonusas, Information Technology Instructor
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific (2:00 p.m. Eastern)
There’s no denying that workplace trends have changed dramatically since 2020 when Covid-19 first swept into our lives. Today over 40% of employment has moved to remote or hybrid work arrangements, and we can expect even more changes to come. At this rate, who can actually keep up? In this “Ask the Employer” session we will be asking Vince, our special guest panelist, and JA an instructor from our educational services team, five key questions focussed on the changes already happening today, to further changes job seekers from high school to post-secondary will need to prepare for in the near future. Hot on our topic list are technology trends, upskilling opportunities, innovation, diversity, and inclusion. Sign up for this special panel session today!
WORKPLACE TRAINING EVENT: Bridging the Divide—How Persons With Disabilities Can Support Their Own Acceptance in the Workplace
With Brenda Kelleher-Flight, Ph.D., Business Consultant at GDP Consulting
Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific (2:00 p.m. Eastern)
Fitting into a workplace as a worker or colleague requires two things. First, the employer needs to understand and accept that we are all different. We bring different strengths and needs based on our abilities and disabilities. Second, it is essential for the worker with a disability to feel confident about their strengths, the competencies expected of them, and their needs that require accommodation. This workshop focuses on the second element and identifies five things that persons with disabilities can do to support their acceptance in the workplace. This includes:
1. Identification of their values;
2. How to articulate their strengths and needs;
3. How to identify for colleagues and employers how they can best meet their needs;
4. The importance of refraining from using their exceptionality as an excuse, while focusing on continuous learning; and
5. How to compensate for their disability by using strategies such as partnering, time management, and assistive devices to demonstrate their commitment to success.
This is a rare opportunity to participate in our special workplace training event and grow your knowledge with our distinguished guest, Dr. Brenda Kelleher-Flight.