Web and Digital Technologies Certificate Programs

Other Online Training Opportunities Offered by Make A Change Canada

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Make A Change Canada also offers online Certificate Programs in Web and Digital Technologies. In as little as six months you can build your own website and gain valuable web/digital skills using industry-standard Adobe CC, Bootstrap, light coding tools such as Brackets, and more. Gain the foundation you need to become successful and prepare for emerging job opportunities in the digital economy as you build your career prospects from the comfort and convenience of home.

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(Our programs are fundable under available skills training programs offered by agencies in local communities and through band offices and Indigenous skills training funds [PTIB Exemption; ESDC Certification File No. 7009/13579]. Eligibility conditions may apply and funding availability may vary.)

We acknowledge the support of the Government of Canada.

Government of Canada logo, which includes the word Canada in black and a small red Canadian flag above the letter a at the end of the word Canada.